Maysville's junior high track team earns several medals at meet

  • Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
    Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
  • Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
    Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
  • Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
    Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
  • Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
    Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
  • Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
    Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
  • Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
    Junior high track meet at Maysville March 10
Twelve schools competed at the Maysville Junior High School track meet March 10. The Maysville Warriors won several medals throughout the day. Caden Davis placed first in the shot put, third in the 200-meter dash, third in the 100-meter dash, and first in the 400-meter dash. Issac Harris placed second in the shot put and first in the long jump, while Gavin Martin placed third in the 110-meter…

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